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Pavel Fedorovich Redin, 45 years old

Pavel Redin, 45 years old.

Pavel Fedorovich Redin

Years of life:

December 17, 1917 - March 13, 1992

Place of Birth:

Alexandrovsk (now Zaporozhye), Yekaterinoslav Province, Ukrainian People's Republic

Field of activity:


Dear land

Artist's spiritual painting

In the work of each artist there are paintings painted with inspiration. Such paintings, as a rule, depict relatives, favorite places, and beautiful subjects.

The collection of P. Redin's paintings contains several such works: a small cozy courtyard where the artist's childhood and youth were held; the artist’s wife and his children.

Some of the paintings are made literally in a few strokes at the moment of spiritual inspiration.

P.Redin picture Beachgoers


Oil on cardboard


9¾ x 13¾ in.

P.Redin picture Wife of artist Vera Petrovna

Wife of artist
Vera Petrovna

Oil on canvas

The 1950s

27½ x 19½ in.

P.Redin picture The artist's daughter

The artist's daughter

Oil on canvas

The 1950s

11¾ x 11¾ in.

P.Redin picture Zaporozhye patio

Zaporozhye patio

Oil on cardboard

The 1950s

9¾ x 13¾ in.

П.Редин Still life with flowers

Still life with flowers

Oil on canvas


23¾ x 17 in.

P.Redin picture Coworker


Oil on cardboard


9¾ x 6¾ in.

P.Redin picture March bouquet

March bouquet

Oil on cardboard


15 x 8¾ in.

Amateur art

Amateur art was encouraged in the USSR. Artists, musicians, and singers from the people were more popular than professional groups. Everyone had the opportunity not only to show his talent but also to take lessons from professional mentors.

Amateur performances were so popular that each factory built its palace or club of culture. The presence of those clubs and palaces in cities and villages was almost ubiquitous.

Small episodes from the life of amateur actors are depicted on the canvases of Pavel Redin.

P.Redin picture Review of amateur. Before the performance

Review of amateur
Before the performance

Oil on canvas


29½ x 43¼ in.

P.Redin picture School evening

School evening

Oil on canvas


16½ x 34¼ in.

P.Redin picture Review of amateur. Rehearsal

Review of amateur

Oil on canvas


29½ x 39½ in.

P.Redin picture Recreation center of the collective farm

Recreation center of the collective farm

Oil on canvas

The 1950s

20¾ x 36¼ in.

This painting is in the collection of Zaporozhye
Regional History Museum

Decorative painting

The Holy Protection Cathedral in Zaporozhye was destroyed in the 1930s. A decision to restore it was made in the late 80s of the last century. The news about this was widely discussed in the local press. It was planned to build a new Cathedral in a few years.

Pavel Redin hoped to take part in the artistic painting of the Cathedral. But, unfortunately, he did not live to see even the starting of construction of that Cathedral.

Only a few photographs of the art paintings made by Pavel Redin have been preserved.

P.Redin Decorative painting. Women of the world

P.Redin Decorative painting. Women of the world

P.Redin Decorative painting. Women of the world

P.Redin Decorative painting. Women of the world

Pencil drawings

P.Redin Pencil drawing

P.Redin Pencil drawing

P.Redin Pencil drawing

P.Redin Pencil drawing

P.Redin Pencil drawing

P.Redin Pencil drawing

P.Redin Pencil drawing

P.Redin Pencil drawing

P.Redin Pencil drawing

P.Redin Pencil drawing

Landscapes of the native land

Pavel Redin loved his homeland with its rocks, colorful flowers of the boundless steppes, Kakhovsky Sea, winding channels of the Dnieper, shady oak forests and emerald pine groves of the Dnieper banks. All this was reflected on canvases of artist.

P.Redin picture Spring is in the dock

Spring is in the dock

Oil on canvas


23¾ x 55¼ in.

P.Redin picture On the bank of the river Konka

On the bank of the river Konka

Oil on canvas


13¾ x 39½ in.

P.Redin picture Old port

Old port

Oil on canvas


15¾ x 35½ in.

P.Redin picture In the vastness of the Kahovsky water basin

In the vastness of the Kahovsky water basin

Oil on canvas


23¾ x 39½ in.

P.Redin picture Amber dreams

Amber dreams

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

13¾ x 18¼ in.

P.Redin picture In the pine forest

In the pine forest

Oil on cardboard


14¼ x 19½ in.

P.Redin picture Field candles

Field candles

Oil on canvas

The 1960s

27½ x 35½ in.

P.Redin picture Crimson sunset

Crimson sunset

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

17¼ x 24½ in.

P.Redin picture White-winged clouds

White-winged clouds

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

16½ x 23¾ in.

P.Redin picture Beauty in everything

Beauty in everything

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

19½ x 27½ in.

P.Redin picture Tumulus of Mamai

Tumulus of Mamai

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

13¾ x 19½ in.

P.Redin picture Early summer

Early summer

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

17¾ x 24½ in.

P.Redin picture The image of the season

The image of the season

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

14¼ x 18¼ in.

P.Redin picture Motley inflorescences

Motley inflorescences

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

17¼ x 23¾ in.

P.Redin picture The birth of the day

The birth of the day

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

18½ x 25½ in.

P.Redin picture Summer colors

Summer colors

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

15 x 23¼ in.

P.Redin picture Summer emerald

Summer emerald

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

15¼ x 23¾ in.

P.Redin picture Autumn breeze

Autumn breeze

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

15¼ x 23¾ in.

P.Redin picture Plushy glade

Plushy glade

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

17¼ x 27½ in.

P.Redin picture Late autumn

Late autumn

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

15¾ x 23¾ in.

P.Redin picture Shores of Bystryk duct

Shores of Bystryk duct

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

14¼ x 23¾ in.

P.Redin picture Evening in the forest area

Evening in the forest area

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

15¾ x 23¾ in.

P.Redin picture Hot summer

Hot summer

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

17¼ x 24 in.

P.Redin picture Fishermen's dinner

Fishermen's dinner

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

17 x 23¾ in.

P.Redin picture Rocky coast

Rocky coast

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

13¾ x 19¼ in.

P.Redin picture Evening at the wooded area

Evening at the wooded area

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

17 x 22¾ in.

P.Redin picture In the Dnieper Bay

In the Dnieper Bay

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

15¾ x 20¾ in.

P.Redin picture Warm morning

Warm morning

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

15¾ x 20¾ in.

P.Redin picture Waiting for fishermen

Waiting for fishermen

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

17¾ x 25½ in.

P.Redin picture In a quiet backwater

In a quiet backwater

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

14¼ x 19½ in.

P.Redin picture In a colorful forest

In a colorful forest

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

15¾ x 20½ in.

P.Redin picture Rustle of wind

Rustle of wind

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

13¾ x 21¾ in.

P.Redin picture At the mouth of the duct Zhburevka

At the mouth of the duct Zhburevka

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

17¼ x 23¾ in.

P.Redin picture Mirror of Domakha

Mirror of Domakha

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

14¼ x 19½ in.

P.Redin picture Golden autumn

Golden autumn

Oil on cardboard

The 1960s

17 x 23¾ in.

P.Redin picture Breath of Autumn

Breath of Autumn



13¾ x 23¾ in.

P.Redin picture Windy morning

Windy morning



13¾ x 24½ in.

P.Redin picture The end of summer in the wooded areas of Zaporozhye

The end of summer in
the wooded areas of Zaporozhye



17¾ x 25½ in.

Recollection of Youth

This is the last artistic cycle created by the artist. The Zaporozhye organization of the Union of Artists was a very friendly and cohesive team. Often the artists traveled together to sketch or simply to rest on the banks of the Dnieper River. Friends hunted, fished, showed off their culinary talents and, of course, they drew.

Episodes of that wonderful time P. Redin captured in a series of six paintings “Recollection of Youth.

P.Redin picture The summer evening

The summer evening

left to right: G.Kolosovsky,
E.Chuykov, N.Pashkanits, P.Redin
second row: M.Akinshin, V.Haiduk
background: A.Fomin

Oil on canvas


31½ x 27½ in.

P.Redin picture The opening of the hunting season

The opening of the hunting season

left to right: G.Kolosovsky,
N.Pashkanits, M.Akinshin

Oil on canvas


31½ x 27½ in.

P.Redin picture Sketches in late autumn

Sketches in late autumn

left to right: E.Chuykov,
G.Kolosovsky, A.Fomin
second row: M.Akinshin, P.Redin
background: N.Pashkanits

Oil on canvas


31½ x 27½ in.

P.Redin picture Lunch


left to right: N.Pashkanits, P.Redin
E.Chuykov, G.Kolosovsky, U.Smirnov
A.Fomin, V.Haiduk, M.Akinshin

Oil on canvas


19½ x 39½ in.

P.Redin picture Creative dispute

Creative dispute

left to right: M.Akinshin, P.Redin
E.Chuykov, G.Kolosovsky
N.Pashkanits, V.Haiduk
background: A.Fomin, U.Smirnov

Oil on canvas


19½ x 39½ in.

P.Redin picture Zaporozhye artists of Kolosovsky's group

Zaporozhye artists of Kolosovsky's group

left to right:
Nicholas Pashkanits,
Anatoliy Fomin,
Georgy Kolosovsky,
Pavel Redin,
Eugene Chuykov,
Akinshin Mikhail,
Smirnov Yuri

Oil on canvas


31½ x 47¼ in.